Celebrating: HBR AT 100

Harvard Business Review is the foremost destination for smart management thinking. Now, at its 100th anniversary, this commemorative volume brings together the most influential ideas since its inception.

To celebrate their 100th anniversary, HBR has carefully selected the most definitive management ideas of the century. From thousands of articles over the past 100 years, HBR has selected their top 30 most important.  We are proud to announce that Robert Cialdini’s article, “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion” is among these very best, now available in one book, HBR at 100.

Whether you’re a longtime reader or you’re picking up an HBR volume for the first time, this book offers all you need to understand the most critical ideas in business.

HBR at 100 features business publishing’s most influential voices on innovative topics. This book represents the best of the best.

“I never could have imagined this so many years ago when I started. But, I’m elated to have been selected to this prestigious group of experts.”
~ Bob Cialdini

HBR at 100’s Most Influential Voices

Click on anyone below for more information.


Michael E. Porter

on Competitive Strategy

Clayton M. Christensen

on Disruptive Innovation

Tim Brown

on Design Thinking

Linda A. Hill

on Being a First-Time Manager

Daniel Goleman

on Emotional Intelligence

Erik Brynjolfsson

on Artificial Intelligence

Andrew McAfee

on Artificial Intelligence

Robert Livingston

on Racial Equity at Work

Amy C. Edmondson

on Psychological Safety

Robert B. Cialdini

on the Science of Persuasion

Mark Mortensen

on Psychological Safety

W. Chan Kim

on Blue Ocean Strategy

Reneé Mauborgne

on Blue Ocean Strategy

Gary Hamel

on Strategic Intent

C.K. Prahalad

on Strategic Intent

Peter F. Drucker

on Managing Yourself

Robert Cialdini’s Books Include:

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